## version ## language ## codeset 0 ;MUIB ;MUIB ;MUIB This catalog description file was generated by MUIBuilder. ;MUIB ;MUIB Please don't modify the lines generated by MUIBuilder, ;MUIB but you can add your own entries. ;MUIB msg_AppDescription ;MUI-Based fortune cookie program ;MUIB msg_AppCopyright Stv 1996 ;MUIB window Title msg_WI_adagis ;Adagis v3.1 1996 Stv ;MUIB Register Entry msg_GR_register0 ;Adagis ;MUIB Register Entry msg_GR_register1 ;Miscellaneous ;MUIB button text msg_BT_wait ;_Wait ;MUIB button text msg_BT_mes ;_More ;MUIB button text msg_BT_Quit ;_Quit ;MUIB button text msg_BT_mui ;M_UI Config ;MUIB button text msg_BT_get ;Get Adage # ;MUIB button text msg_BT_jumpto ;Jump to... ;MUIB button text msg_BT_aboutdata ;About A_dagis.data ;MUIB button text msg_BT_about ;_About Adagis v3 ;MUIB window Title msg_WI_getadagi ;Adagis v3 (Get) ;MUIB group msg_GR_getTitle ;MUIB String Gadget msg_STR_adaginumber ;Get adage # ;MUIB button text msg_BT_getok ;O\00Get it ! ;MUIB window Title msg_WI_info ;Adagis v3 (Information) ;MUIB button text msg_BT_infook ;MUIB window Title msg_WI_jumpto ;Adagis v3 (Jump to...) ;MUIB group msg_GR_jumptoTitle ;Jump to... ;MUIB Label msg_LA_filesize ;Filesize ;MUIB String Gadget msg_STR_jumpto ;Jump to byte ;MUIB button text msg_BT_jump ;Jump ! ;Here starts Adagis custom strings... ;Problems reading Adagis.data msg_probreaddata ;Problems reading Adagis.data ! ;Problems opening Icon.library msg_probiconlib ;Problems opening Icon.librart ! ;MUI 3.2 required ! msg_mui32req ;You NEED MUI 3.2+ to run Adagis ! ;Offset msg_offset ;Offset (bytes) ;Adage # msg_adagenumber ;Adage number msg_yes msg_no ;Waiting msg_waiting ;Waiting ;Frozed msg_frozed ;Frozed ;About mess msg_about ;\\ec\\ebAdagis v3.1\\en\\n\\ec 1996 Esteve Boix\\n\\nThis program is CardWare and/or\\nCookieWare. If you use it and\\nlike it please send a postcard\\nand/or a cookie to the author.\\n\\nThanks to Christian Kemp, Josep\\nRubiralta, V ctor Carceler and\\nAnna.\\n\\nPlease read the docs for details ! ;About adagis.data mess msg_aboutdata ;\\ebCurrent Adagis.data info:\\n\\n\\enTotal filelength : \\d bytes\\n# of cookies : \\d\\nLongest line : \\d characters\\nShortest line : \\d characters\\nAverage chars/line : \\d characters\\nAverage lines/adage : \\d\\n\\n\\ebCurrent Tooltypes:\\n\\n\\enDelay per line : \\d m-seconds\\nRun probability : \\d %\\nLine Centering : \\s